Monday, September 12, 2011


Those big brown chocolate eyes.

Those smiles that are rare but oh so much more special when they do appear.

The way she sucks in her lower lip.

Without a doubt Susan is a cutie pie.

Susan came to Amani as a young baby when her mother died giving birth to her. Her father visited her from time to time and said his intent was to bring her home when he re-married. However his promise that this would be soon didn’t seem to be coming true so we encouraged him to find another solution for Susan. The decision was made that Susan would go home to her grandparents within a few weeks. Next we entered what we called the war of the grandparents as the maternal and paternal grandparents argued over who would take Susan home.

Although the war delayed Susan’s return home we love that she is so loved that everyone wanted herJ. The maternal grandparents won and Susan went home last spring. When we visited she was very happy and well-adjusted. Her grandmother and aunts spoke of how she was such a special reminder of her mother to them. They showed us a photo of Susan’s mother and we could definitely see the resemblance.

Susan’s family has proved they are capable of caring for Susan in every way. We are very excited for Susan to finally know the love of her family!

Please continue to keep Susan in your prayers as she has some health concerns Obukuumi and her family is working through. 

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